For the last two months I have been interested in trying to play the "drugstore grocery game," especially after we found out we were pregnant and would be needing lots of diapers. Well today I played the first hand in my new pastime. And I went straight to the "jack-pot."
Transaction #1
1 Pampers Cruisers @ 7.99
1 Pampers wipes @ 2.99
1 Listerine Smart Rinse @ 3.49
1 Listerine Smart Rinse @ 3.49
-3$/15 CVS coupon
-2$/2 Pampers
-1$/1 Listerine
-1$/1 Listerine
Total: $12.46/ECB (Extra Care Bucks) earned: $6.98 (Listerine 3.49x2)
Transaction #2
2 Pampers Cruisers @ 7.99
-3$/15 CVS coupon
-2$/2 Pampers
-$6.98 ECB (from above transaction)
Total: $4.60/ECB earned: $5.00 (buy $20 Pampers)
Transaction #3
2 Pampers Cruisers @ 7.99
-3$/15 CVS coupon
-2$/2 Pampers
-$5.00 ECB (from above transaction)
Total: $6.78
Total spent OOP (out of pocket): $ 23.84
I would have to say that I did pretty good for my first trip, especially since all of the diapers (175) alone would have cost over $50 dollars at Target or Wal-mart!
If you are considering the "drugstore grocery game," here are some helpful links:
- CVS 101
- CVS coupons
- CVS deals this week
You go bargain shopper!!! Quite impressed. How are you feeling? Hey, I finally updated my blog... check it out!
Hi Rachel,
Well, first of all CONGRATULATIONS on the baby. That is wonderful news! I am so, so happy for you.
Secondly, congratulations on entering the world of the drugstore game. You will save a ton of money. Good job!
Thanks, I love savings!
Rachel, I got a CVS flyer in the mail today. Let me know if you need it.
In response to your Garden of Blessings comment about CVS advice, check out a post I did about how to get started at http://learningtobefrugal.wordpress.com/2008/05/23/frugal-friday-the-drugstore-game-may-23/. Good luck and keep at it! It's definitely worth it!
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