Books we have purchased so far, mainly for the excitement of it all!
I'm thinking the answer is yes. Or at least that is what everyone is telling me. Many people say not to read to much. Others say read as much as you can so you will be "adequately prepared." My decision: read as much as I want when I want. I mean it's all fun to read and think about. Who doesn't want to know what is going on in their womb. 
A sweet gift from Taylor.
We arrived home from church today and I found this book/journal laying on my bed with a white bow on top. My sweet husband/father-to-be purchased it for me. Honestly I hadn't really thought about keeping a journal (mainly because I am to cheap to buy one), but I am thrilled and blessed to have a husband who is so thoughtful. Thank you, Taylor, you are a wonderful husband and you will be a wonderful father!

This is today's journal entry!
This book/journal is great because it tells you what is going on each day with your baby and you can journal your own thoughts in it.
If anyone has any suggestions for books or other insightful information about pregnancy and babies, please let me know.