This past weekend I helped host a couples baby shower for some close friends. If you haven't already guessed, they are expecting a baby BOY! I had so much fun decorating for this shower. As you can see, we choose a rubber ducky theme.

vanilla ice cream, and several drops of blue food coloring.

wash, baby lotion, etc., and a rubber ducky topper!
Congratulations Brandi and Travis!
We are all so excited for you both!
We are all so excited for you both!
Oh my gosh! Those cupcakes are sooo adorable. Who knew a boys baby shower could be so cute!
This is the cutest baby shower I have ever seen! I'm loving the cupcakes -- so simple yet so adorable -- and the punch, how much fun! I hope your friends felt showered with love. A job well done goes out to you!
Aww! I feel so special to be on your blog! Thank you again for everything you did. The shower was so cute!!
Rachel, the punch actually looks like foamy blue water. So cute.
That looked like one fun shower. What a lucky couple to have you and your husband for friends. I am always drawn to a yellow rubber ducky. They shout out fun!
What a cute shower theme! I especially love the punch. Sounds tasty and it looks perfect for a little ducky bath. : )
I was tagged by Candace too; you have a very nice site!
Hi Rachel,
The ducks are just adorable.
You are very creative.
Also, I like your couponing post, great work!
Hi, a little late, but just saw your comment on domestic bliss...something like that! anyway, i'm doing a shower for my friend next month and love your gift IN the baby tub!! awesome!! i'm gonna steal that idea! the rubber duckies are so cute!
Just found your link from Blissfully Domestic! So cute! I'm going to have to link to this from my blog! If you have any more party-planning ideas, please let me know! Thanks!
Hey girl-
A lady at church asked if I had an idea for a baby shower for a boy. I told her ducks. Then I showed her your pics and she just loves the idea. thanks.
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