Monday, April 28, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Me at Christmas!

I've been tagged by Candace at A Garden of Blessings to list 7 random/weird things about myself.

Here goes:

1. At Christmas, my in-laws gave my husband and I this stuffed dog. Normally I do not care for stuffed animals, but this dog just mad me so happy. The dog is rocking on a sled and barking Jingle Bells. Every time I turned it on it made me smile. I hope it does the same for you! Please excuse our Christmas mess. We were blessed with many presents.

2. I am currently a teacher. However, during college I worked in construction almost every summer. I was the low man/woman on the totem poll, which meant I usually spent my days: pushing the buggy at the local hardware store, getting tools out of the van, hauling in materials, sweeping up trash, going to get lunch, getting more tools out of the van, sweeping up more trash, and then hauling the materials and tools back to the van. Having this experience was actually wonderful. I learned a lot about home repair. Now I hardly hesitate before starting small project around the house.

I like any tedious job that is detail oriented: peeling wall paper, sorting screws, painting, picking weeds from the garden, and organizing messy rooms or closets.

4. My husband's family and I went to Disney World last summer. I have to admit that I was not that excited (I had been when I was 12 or 13). I guess I thought it was more for kids. Well let me tell you, I was so wrong. I have never had so much fun in all my life! I can't wait to go back!

5. My husband and I have been participating in a lot of market research groups recently. We have tasted biscuits, listened to radio music, and been jurors for a mock trail. It has been very profitable and pretty fun.

I have a very long bedtime routine: take out contacts, take vitamin, drink water, put on chap stick, drink more water, put lotion on hands, and turn out light. I know, it is ridiculous. The worst part is that I usually drop on of these items on the floor each night!

7. I really enjoy a clean home. That being said, our home is not clean all the time. But I do try to make a special effort to clean before we have guests over (having people over is a good excuse to get things done). Anyway, because our home is generally clean when people come over, some of my close girlfriends have started calling me Monica (from Friends). I am not sure if this is an insult or a complement, but I will assume the latter.

I tag Beth, Mod Girl, and Steviewren !


steviewren said...

That's a big challenge Rac. I will have to give it some thought.

Rachel said...

You can do it! I know you can!

steviewren said...

Funny video.

steviewren said...

Okay, I took the challenge. Come on Lapoflove and Modgirl. Your turns now.

Rachel said...

Yeah! I'm glad you felt the challenge worth of your time!

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

You are so cute! Don't we all have our weird quirks?!

Thanks for the tag. I'm just getting settled in after being out of town so I'm going to put this meme on the backburner for now. When things calm down a bit, or when I'm in need of some bloggy material I'll be sure to give this one a whirl.