I recently received an iPod for Christmas. I have to say that until I received the iPod, I was not that much of a music lover. Don't get me wrong, I like music. I was just not obsessed with listening to it all the time. But I have to say that I am now an iPod snob. I love my iPod. I listen to it in the car, while I'm cooking and cleaning, and my most treasured time: during my lunch break.

My lunch break is, let's just say, not so silent! Due to the nature of my job and my work schedule, I have my lunch break with a roomful of noise. Although I love my job, I do not particularly enjoy this portion of my day. To overcome this noisy setback, I simply put my white earphones in my ears, press play, and slide my finger around the slick circle turning up the volume as high as it will go. Then I sit in my own version of silence drowning out all the noise from the world around me.

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