A little over a year ago, some of my girl friends decided to meet for a Friday night dinner at my house. You know how it happens. Two or three people want to meet and catch up on all that has taken place over the last couple of weeks, and before you know it two or three people turns in the seven or eight.

That night we all ate dinner, discussed all of the worlds problems (and how to fix them), painted our nails and generally had a wonderful time bonding. At the end of the night, we all decided since we had such a wonderful time maybe we should continue to have a Friday night dinner once and month. And so Girl's Night was born...And I'm so grateful we decided to continue our little tradition.

We don't put that much time into planning. We send a few e-mails. We pick a date and a house. We bring some food, maybe some movies or fingernail polish, and most importantly our selves. But it is the day each month that I really look forward to the most. Spending time with these girls, these woman, these friends...And I would not trade our time together for anything.
Good photos. Very representative of your times together.
I had so much fun the other night. I'm so glad that I am in the Girls night out group. I love you all!
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