Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Preparations for the Vegetable Garden

We have been busy preparing for our summer vegetable garden. I had an extremely small garden at my mom's house several years ago. I enjoyed it throughly. All of the produce were my little babies. And I tended to them daily.

Anyway, my husband and I our very excited about our summer garden. So far we have only spent two days preparing the garden area.

The first day we had to cut down and dig up a dead bush that was in the middle of where we planned to plant. On that same day, we laid out black plastic over the garden area in an attempt to kill the over grown weeds.

The second day, we bought several bags of dirt and rented a tiller.

My husband tilled the soil and then add the extra bags of dirt to the soil.

This weekend we intend to plant the vegetables. We have not written a finalized list but we are thinking of planting: 3-4 tomato plants (I hope to can or freeze the extra tomatoes), 2 green bell pepper plants, 1 red bell pepper, a banana pepper, 1 cumber plant, basil, parsley, rosemary, oregano, mint (possibly: squash, zucchini, and some type of fruit vine...).

Wish us good luck. If you have any helpful gardening tips, please let me know.


Betsy Brock said...

Hi Rachel! Thanks for coming over to my blog and introducing yourself! What a delightful blog you have here! I'll be back to look again!

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Wow, I'm impressed. I've never vegetable gardened before -- right now Boo has a single, solitary cabbage growing in the backyard (see my sidebar!). Keep us posted on progress.

tincanlily said...

Good luck with your garden. The only thing I have ever grown with any success is basil. I bought it, put it in a large clay pot, watered it and let the sunshine on it. Simple I know. It grew to 20 inches in height and we had basil all summer long. It was really pretty to look at too. Too early for any gardening here. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

oh boy, i feel really behind now with my yard! can't wait to see the progress.

Rachel said...

Mod girl- you don't have to worry about me posting the progress of the garden. I was actually thinking of using your great idea with the sidebar.

Thanks for all you comments. You will see many more posts about the garden!

steviewren said...

I can't wait to see your garden in bloom. I hope you have a bumper crop of tomatoes. BLT's sound so good, don't they?

Rachel said...

Yum, yes they do!