Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mom's Candy

My mom absolutely loves this Sweedish candy from IKEA. She has to buy a bag every time we go. I don't blame her it is a "Daim" good candy.

If you don't already know, mom has started her own blog. Please visit A Little Birdie Told Me So to meet a fun creative inspiring woman, otherwise known as my mother.


gracelaced said...

there's not an ikea where i live, and i always thought they sold furniture--they sell candy too?! who knew!

tincanlily said...

I stopped by today to say I have finished my paper eggs. Stop by the blog when you get a chance. I also went to your Mom's blog. I want to check it out further when I have time. I also love Anthropologie. I want to take the time to sit and look your older posts. Take care.

steviewren said...

Thank you for the plug! You know you will always be my number one girl. Love you!

Rachel said...

Ruth, IKEA sells everything! We have to drive a few hours to get to the one closest to us. You must go.