Why I love My Mom
(This is only a short list of the millions floating in my head):
(This is only a short list of the millions floating in my head):
Because she once told me that to be a happy old person, you have to start by being a happy young person.
Because she is capable and willing to learn anything she puts her mind to.
Because she taught me how to sew, cook, read, enjoy reading, pray, listen to others, have manners, be a wife, draw, write college papers, paint, be a friend, enjoy watching movies, be a mom, and love.
Because when I answer the phone, she says, "Hello Darling, its Mummy!"
Because she loves to read and listen to books. And continues to educate her mind daily.
Because she once told me no matter what great grades you make in school, if you do not learn to be a great person nothing else will matter.
Because she always let me fall asleep in her bed before making me move to mine.
Because when I was younger, I thought she knew the answers to all my questions. And knowing that simple fact was the only answer I really needed to know!
Because she once took me shopping at Wal-mart during a really difficult time in our lives and we bought a silly doll that made a silly noise just because its silly noise made us laugh during a time when all we wanted to do was cry, cry, cry, cry, and cry some more.
Because she always dried my tears when I was upset!
Because she replays all of her favorite scenes and songs from her favorite movies and CDs at least 100 times in a row.
Because now when I ask her a question and she does not know the answer, I ask, "Why don't you know all the answers anymore?" and she says, "Because now you ask all the hard questions."
Because she always said, "Rae-ch-ell!" in a hi-pitched squeaky voice, late at night.
Because she always brought me Ginger-ale and saltine crackers when I was sick.
Because she was always there to watch Gilmore Girls on Tuesday nights, when I was homesick living away at college. (How much did we laugh and relate to those Gilmores).
Because she took me and my younger brother camping during a hard time in our lives. And that short thrown together camping trip will always have a special memory in my heart (two person tent for three people, cinnamon raisin bread with cheese and grapes, a cot, hot dogs & cheese, a hike, and lots of love).
Because she talks in her sleep and becomes very irrational.
Because she once explained to me that we don't only go to funerals because we were close the the ones that past. But more importantly, we go to funerals to support others who are grieving because they were close to the ones that past. And that is a lesson I will never forget!
Because she taught me how to enjoy coke, popcorn, and random quirky movies.
Because she was/is always available to participate/listen to my sometimes senseless ramblings as a child, teenager, and adult no matter if it was/is 7 in the morning or 11 at night. She never turned/turns me away! She was/is always listening, and responding when necessary.
How can I say Thank You?
There are no other moms like you!
I love you MOM!
What a sweet surprise to find this. You know I am boo-hooing. I love you too. I feel so unworthy. What can I say but...You are the bestest Rachel in the whole world...no joke!!! I am so blessed that God gave me such a wonderful person to be my daughter.
I hope you know how much I appreciate you too and how I would never have survived those hard times without each of you.
You have a beautiful mama!
Ahh, I can only hope I can be that kind of mom too.
That's great!
the tribute to your mom melted my heart!
i hope my daughter has such wonderful things to say about me someday!
have a beautiful day!
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