Recently I came across some really great coupons thanks to A Garden of Blessings and More Than Enough.
I purchased all 12 of these items for .82 Cents!!! I know that you may not believe me but it is completely true and I will tell you how I did it. I promise there was no magic or stealing involved.
And for anyone who might be asking what we are going to do with six boxes of cereal when we already have 10+ in the pantry, a wonderful creative woman created a
yummy chocolaty recipe using this chocolate cereal.
First, I had a $2.00 off coupon for one box of this new Chocolate Honey Bunches of Oats. I discovered that Wal-mart was carrying this new brand. The first Wal-mart I went to was selling the box for $2.08. I bought the cereal with the $2 coupon and paid .08 cents! The second and third times I went, the boxes were on sale for $1.98. I bought five boxes receiving a total of .10 cents in return. Therefore, all six of these boxes combined cost a total of .00 cents! And I actually received .02 cents in return! Can you believe someone paid me to take six boxes of cereal out of their store!
Second, I had a $3.00 off coupon on any two Huggies Clean Team products. I purchased the refill wipes for $1.64 each. Two packages of wipes @ 1.64 = 3.28. After my $3 off coupon, I paid .28 cents. That's .14 cents per package!
Total: .14 x 6 = .84 - .02 = .82 cents
I love Coupons!
Great job, Rachel!
Keep at it.
I am going to take note. I can't believe how thrifty you are! You amaze me!
Way to go! Thanks for the link!
$.82! You go girl!
Great job!
My Walmart never has the smaller packs of wipes..wah!!!
Awesome deals!
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