Last weekend, my husband and I went on a quick one night camping trip.
Our personal waterfall

It was a wonder trip.
If we continue to go through the motions, micromanaging every part of our lives, we will forget to take time to soak up all the little enjoyments life has to offer.
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Looks like a fun camping trip. i really like your rainbow photo.
have a happy day!
Fun! We've never been camping but I'm thinking we need to plan a trip. The boys would love it.
Gorgeous! I've never been there. Looks like a fun, beautiful time.
daria- Thanks for you comment.
mod girl- You really should go camping It is so much fun.
beth- If you all are ever living close to here again, you should try and go there.
How nice that you can enjoy such a nice getaway. It looks really beautiful. Weather still cold here. Camping is out of the question. I do love smores. Lots of my friends have camp fires in the summer time I really look foward to them.
Hi Rachel, thanks for commenting on my blog. I live in Texas. I have really enjoyed hopping on over here and looking at your blog this morning. This post about camping really caught my eye. I have never been tent camping before and it's something that Adrian really enjoys so we're talking about camping trips after we're married but I'll admit to being a little nervous if I'm "up for it". Anyway, I really enjoyed reading about y'all's camping adventure, particularly your own private waterfall as waterfalls are special to Adrian and I. Also, I love that you know about Dale's sauce! My brother had some friends who's motto was "if you need a condiment (after using Dale's in the meat) then you need another burger!" I haven't had a bottle of Dale's in a while and I'm glad you reminded me! Have a great day. Oh, and I'm so glad you won that serving dish set! I won something too a few months ago and it *is* such a thrill! Kelly
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