Usually, at our monthly Girl's Night we sit around someone's living room, eat dinner, and catch up on everyone's lives---and Girl's Night is complete. Nothing needs to be added or taken away---just great friends catching up.

However, this particular Girl's Night, I decided to provide a craft. I know it may sound silly and slightly pointless, but this craft made me smile.

All you need is a dust pan of your choice and some paint pens and you too can have your very own whimsical dust pan. Who knows, it might just make you smile the next time you are sweeping up your trash.

Haha! To go with your super cool revamped laundry room, which you need to photograph and post....
This made me laugh! I never would've thought to decorate and personalize a dustpan!
I don't know what made me think to do it. It just sounded cute and fun!
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