It was an adventure...

Our mission was a success! We have
eradicated the attic of clutter...well almost.
eradicated the attic of clutter...well almost.
If we continue to go through the motions, micromanaging every part of our lives, we will forget to take time to soak up all the little enjoyments life has to offer.
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Cool, attic clean out! Did you find anything worth taking home?
Is that a mannequin head in the 2nd picture? Not surprising :-) Of course, a sled...very useful during those frequent blizzards.
Good for both of you for doing this! It's a load off, in more ways than one, no doubt!
Mod girl- Yes, I found a foot stool and a painting that I painted in high school. Both are now being used in my laundry room!
Beth- Yes that is a mannequin head. Mom painted the face several years ago. She did not want to get rid of it so I suggested she use it to decorate her craft area instead of putting in back in the attic---and she did.
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