Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Ride Home---Part 1

One day I decided to start taking pictures of the things I see on my ride home from work. Let me mention that my ride home is not on very heavily traveled roads. In fact, I never knew these roads existed until I looked them up on Google Maps.

Anyway, these are just a few of the random pictures a have taken over the last few weeks. I will continue to try to capture more interesting shots from my daily journey home.

Naturally, the school bus is a reoccurring site I see on my ride.

I guess even the most remote "gas stations" need beverages.

I almost wreaked my car when I saw this couple. How often do you see tandem bicyclists? I am not sure if they knew they were on a dangerous curvy hilly country road.

Got mail?

Buses are everywhere!

I thought this mail truck was so cute with its bright blue exterior.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Those are GREAT! I love the cyclists the best, followed by the blue Jeep mail truck!